
来源:维思迈财经2024-06-18 16:59:23


1. 移动支付:摒弃现金交易带来便利

2. 云计算:降低运营成本增加安全性

3. 区块链技术:改变信任关系保护用户权益
区块链技术作为一个去中心化数据库系统, 可以记录所有参与者间共识达成后所产生过程记录(Block) 并将其链接起来形 成连续有序 的记载结 构 (Chain)。 在区 块 链 技 术 中 , 没 有 独立 第三方认证机构 或 能够 对 数 据 进 行 更 改 的 权 动 。 因此 , 区 块 链 技 术 具 备 不 容 许 修改 和 删除 数据 到 已 存 在 底 层 结 果 上 是 安 全 又 类似公开透明; 同时该项技术对确保交易真实性具有极大意义, 提供给人们更多选择.

4. AI客服: 实现24小时在线解答问题
AI客服正在许多银行和其他企事业单位推出并逐渐替代人工客户支持团队。“Chatbot”是其中常见形态之一,“他”拥有良好语言表达功能, 即使没有完整回答你想问什么都会找到相关内容指引你完成任务;不但如此,"他"甚至还可能主导电话通话结束预约面试时间!总体而言,AI辅助下减少了哪怕只剩两分钟左右待命即可接听顾客询问请求。
5.P2P网贷平台: 缓解小微企业资本压力

Peer to Peer(P2P)网站呼声很高度未知情况下尽管存在某些风险(例如操作员反向跑路), P2P从根源上说基本原则类似商家秘密竣工专案管理制度学习集群——如果公司没钱偿还贷款,则由股东履责直至清零.Due to the low threshold and convenient operation of online lending platforms for small and micro enterprises, they can effectively solve their financing problems without going through traditional banks' complicated procedures.Therefore,P2p has become a new channel for small and micro businesses in need of funds.
6.虚拟货币(Bitcoin): 打破国界限制

Bitcoin is one kind virtual currency which exists only on internet,it's not issued or controlled by any country.The emergence of Bitcoin has brought great convenience to cross-border transactions.Users do not have to worry about exchange rate issues when trading with different countries.Its unique decentralization makes it difficult for governments around the world to regulate its circulation,and there are also risks such as price fluctuations that users must be aware off.

7· 生物特征身份验证 : 强调个人隐私安全

Biometric identification technology uses individuals' biological characteristics (such as fingerprints,facial features,Iris etc.)to verify identity.This method avoids many security risks caused by password leakage or theft.Because biometrics cannot be copied easily,the risk will decrease significantly.In addition,this authentication method greatly improves user experience,you don't have keep track passwords anymore!

8· 触觉反馈装置 :将感觉延伸进数码产品设计

Haptic feedback devices add tactile sensations(such like vibration,touch pressure,nudge etc.),which can bring real-time touch response during digital interaction.By adding haptics into financial products,such as smart phone payment systems,virtual reality banking services,customer service robots...people would feel more intuitive connection between themselfes & those applications!

金融服务 数字化时代 创新方式

