来源:维思迈财经2024-06-18 15:37:19
首当其中是备受瞩目、全球知名度极高且拥有庞大用户群体覆盖面广泛 的巨头公司——谷歌(Google) 。作为全球最大搜索引擎之一, 谷歌已经不仅仅只是一个简单地提供检索服务而已. 在过去二十年间, 该公司通过旗下产品Google Cloud平台不断完善并推出了更多功能强大、灵活性高以及安全可靠等方面都非常突出特点. 其公共/混合/私人三位一体解决方案让客户可以根据自身需求选择相应部署形式;同时,在数据分析与机器学习领域也取得长足进步。除此之外,谷 歌还积极投入到AI(人工智能)技术研究开发中,并致力于打造具有超级 计算能力和无限扩展空间 的量子电脑系统 Quantum Computing System , 这使 得它 成 为 当 前 高 端 投资项目 中 最 吸 引 观 注 和 关 心 的 目 标 .
紧跟谷歌步伐并走在前列则是Amazon Web Services (AWS),由美国在线零售巨头Amazon创建并管理 AWS 是当前被认定规模最 大 广 泛 应 用 手 案例 客 户 数 方 面 口碑好评较高 . Amazon 凭借其庞大而稳固财务实 力 不 断 提 升 如 果 继续保持良好增长态势 , 则很可能会撼动甚至超过其他主要参与者. 主要原因就在于 AWS 在 IaaS (基础设施即服务)、PaaS(平台即服务)以及SaaS(软件即服务)等层次上均存在显著优势:如Iaas 层 上AWS 内置 数据库 RDS (Relational Database Service),ElastiCache 和 DynamoDB 分别针对 SQL / NoSQL 类型数据库存储进行处理; P a a S 层 A W S Elastic Beanstalk 改编传统 开 发 工 共享流程使开源语言 Java,.NET,Ruby,Python,Golang 或 PHP 更加轻松易操作 ; 至少从某种意义上来说,SaaSLayering in the form of productivity tools like email and collaboration suites is another key area where A WS has made significant strides.
另外尤其需要注意到微软(Microsoft ) Azure —— 微软利用Azure 来支持Windows Server/Hyper-V/Azure Stack 生 怅 对 小 商家 特别友情关怀 :小商家或初创公司通常没有太多资源配置专门 IT 团队相关事项 Microsoft Azure for Startups program helps startups to scale by providing free access to cloud services along with other benefits such as technical support and co-marketing opportunities.,但同样也向那些想找到更有效率 解决问题方法比如 DevOps 自动化测试环境设置.AI/Machine Learning or Big Data Analytics solutions are also available on Microsoft's AI platform.Azure Machine Learning allows developers to deploy predictive models as web services that can be consumed by any device, from anywhere via REST APIs..总结起来,Azure 明确带给你无论大小皆可使用权做任何您想做必须采购额外费用支付每月按摩折价价格付款-然后再考虑是否真正愿意接手麻烦程序员任务 - 如果遵循以上内容说明,则可以节省时间精力金钱物料费.
华纬星际(Huawei FusionCloud) 是中国科技巨头华纬集团旗下重要战略组成部分,H uawei F usion C loud 存放股东期待未来 Huawei’s strong presence in telecommunications equipment manufacturing have positioned it well within this space--in fact,a recent IDC report found that Hua wei’ s server revenue growth was nearly double its closest competitor.The company’s commitment towards developing cutting-edge technologies,such as Artificial Intelligence(AI),Internet of Things(IoT),and big data analytics,is driving their success i n t h e c l o u d m ar k et p lace.ThroughFusionC lo ud,H ua w eioffers powerful computing capabilities,data storage,and various applications.Huaweihasalsoestablishedstrongpartnerships,w ith companieslike SAPto developindustry-specificsolutionsforcustomers.Thiscommitmenttowardsinnovationandcustomer-centricityiswhatsetsHuaweiasaleaderinthecloudcomputing industry.
除此之外IBM(Cognitive Solutions Division)&Oracle(Cloud Infrastructure Platform)--两个老牌IT厂商正在迎接数字转型挑战时代: IBM Cognitive Solutions division focuses on cognitive computing systems which utilize machine learning algorithms&advanced analyticsto enable organizations make better decisions based on insights derivedfromdata.IBM Bluemix offers application development &managementplatformwithbuilt-incognitivetechnologieswhileWatsonAnalyticsprovidesanalytics toolsthatallowbusinessesgaininsightsintobigdatasets.Inaddition,t heycanalsoprovidecloud-basedservicesthatarenecessarytocarryoutthedigitallandscapeof today ’ sbusinessenvironment.Ontheotherhand,O racle ’ sc ommitmenttoprovidingsuperiorcloudd ataservicescanbeobservedthroughitscomprehensiveInfrastructureasaService(I aaS ),PlatformasaService(P aaaSandSoftwareasaServ ice(SaaaS).Ora cleDatabaseExadataCloudMachinecombineshigh-performancedatabasesystemswiththepoweroffully-managedinfrastructure,makingitanidealchoicefordatamanagementapplications.AnadditionaladvantageistheintegrationbetweenOr acleApplicationExpress&a ll-or-nothingapproachwheretheyofferacombinationofsoftware,applicationdevelopmenttools,builtinsecurityfeatures,&scalabilityoptionswhicharecrucialforsuccessfuldigitaltransformationjourney
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