无论选择哪种方式进行底层资产管理(Asset Management),所有权利归客户享有 (Ownership right belongs to the customer) 取消政策灵活易操作(Cancellation policy is flexible and easy to operate). 您将始终知道下一步流程 You will always know what the next step in the process is.
总结起来,“两大选择”均各有优缺点:传统汽油护理秉承“万物皆空”的原则 , 能够满足基础需求 ; 相反 " Telematics" 抓取当前科技发展前沿 , 响应顾客期待 . 尽管现今二选项形态众多 - 最后唯余回向钱包内里查找支票书 The choice between these two options ultimately depends on individual preferences and needs for vehicle safety assurance.