
来源:维思迈财经2024-07-16 20:55:49



随着时间推移, 17世纪欧洲开始出现更接近于现代概念的共同体制度: 最著名例子即英国火灾公司(The Fire Office),设立消防员队并向投保者提供火灾赔偿服务. 这标志着第一个专门进行定期收费以补偿意外损失机构诞生.

18世纪末19世纪初, 工厂化进程加速使工作场所事故频发, 需求再次催生新型产品—雇主责任/工伤/职位致残等政策; 各种寿命、医疗支持也被引入市场,并逐步得到完善.

20 世 纪 初 , 汽 车 的 出 现 带 动 了 污 染 和 交通 安 全 方 面 的 新 种 类 风 险 。汽车强制性责任法案由此产生,并促成后来各地其他类型强制购买规则发布.同时,“大萧条”、“两次大战”的影响下美国扶起民族重建计画 (New Deal) 推动整个行业改革:监管框架重新设计 , 如 Glass-Steagall 法案禁止银行参股非银机构(包括信用联邦),确保存款免受证券波动干预 .

21st century witnessed the rise of Insurtech - a combination between insurance and technology that brought new life to the industry. The emergence of blockchain technologies allowed for more transparency in transactions while AI-powered chatbots revolutionized customer service experience.
As we move further into this digital age with challenges such as cyber risks and climate change looming large on the horizon, it is certain that the insurance industry will continue to evolve and adapt in order to meet these ever-changing needs.

Through centuries of evolution from informal agreements among traders to complex global institutions today, one thing remains constant: Insurance exists not only as a business but also as a social mechanism providing individuals peace of mind against uncertainties – embodying our shared belief in mutual support & collective resilience .

保险业 创立过程

