再者, 能源存储也是一个备受关注并快速增长 的子行业。“永恒锂电”,依靠其自主知识产权和低成本竞争优势,在锂离子电池领域稳居龙头位置,并成功将产品销往多个洲际市场;而“星火储气”, 则专注于压缩空气储Energy storage is also a rapidly growing sub-industry that has attracted much attention. With its independent intellectual property rights and low-cost competitive advantages,"Eternal Lithium Battery" maintains a leading position in the lithium-ion battery field and successfully sells products to markets across continents; while "Starfire Gas Storage" focuses on compressed air energy storage technology development , 并已成功建立起数十座分布广泛且容量巨大 的贮气站点.