首先,随着全球经济格局演变和竞争加剧,“老牌强手”的霸主地位正在被“新兴力量”所取代。例如,在亚洲地区,《Bloomberg》发布报告称:“2019年12月31日止52周内累计回报率超过46%。”据报道 称 : “2025 年 至2030 年左右 ,‘ BRICS ’ ( 即 B razil R ussia I ndia C hina and South Africa ) 将可能再次成为 ‘ G6 ' 或’G7'。”
其二,则是科技革命持续推进导致传统产业不断受损。“AI(Artificial Intelligence)”、“VR(Virtual Reality)”、“IoT(Internet of Things)”等新兴科技快速催生出一批高精尖企业,并使他们成为当前经济增长源泉之一。
第三条线索暗示,”Fintech”,即金融+科技=FinTech(Financial Technology).根据《Forbes》杂志报道,“2018–2024 ” F int ech 格罗氏 M arket Research 数据显示 : P ayment T echnology & Digital W allet s will grow at a significant rate in the coming years owing to increasing online transactions across various sectors such as retail,e-commerce etc.
最后一个趋势提示我们注意,"ESG", Environment Social Governance.Ethical investing is gaining traction globally with investors increasingly taking into consideration environmental,social,and governance factors when making investment decisions.It's not surprising that ESG-focused indexes have gained popularity in recent years.