
来源:维思迈财经2024-03-12 23:14:02


首先我们需要了解什么是终身保险。简单来说,终身寿险是指在被投 insured 之死亡时给付 death benefit 的合约类型,并不含任何 maturity date 或 expiry date 。也就是说无论 insured 活100岁还是110岁或更老, 只要 policy in force ,则 insurer 都必须支付 death claim 给 beneficiary(ies)。

那么对于持有20年以上的终身寿命政策(Whole Life Policy), 是否能够提前领取本金呢?普遍情况下答案是否定的。“整个寿命”的定义已经包括了该政策达成协议所涉及所有可能发生事件—— insured’s 死亡 ——并且没有其他 eventuality 要求 insurance company 支付额外款项. 如果你想取消您 whole life policy 并收回 cash value , 则只能选择 surrendering entire contract or borrowing against it.

虽然不能像储蓄账户那样灵活支配自己存放在其中金额, but for many people the forced savings aspect can be a good thing because they might otherwise spend that money on something else and not have anything to show for it later.

此外值得注意的是尽管现代社会变化快速、未知风机频出,“longevity risk”—即 insuree 投资超过预计时间导致公司赔钱 —— 不再构成唯一挑战;但当今市场环境依旧充满各种潜在风害与波动!同时由于 inflation 等原因使得 purchasing power 下跌; 进行 long-term financial planning 是非常关键!

总体上看, 对很多从事职业精英群体以及家庭主妇/父母群体而言: having some permanent coverage as part of their portfolio is an excellent way to ensure your loved ones are protected when you die regardless of what age that happens at! 同时建议大家需根据 own personal circumstances 和 goals 来评估 whether buying a Whole Life Insurance makes sense!

通过深度分析探讨长期投资和持有做某些形式相结合将帮办客户实现最佳退休目标- this type of discussion will help clients make informed decisions based upon all relevant factors affecting them personally rather than just going with whatever seems popular at any given time!

意义 提取 长期投保 20年后 终身保险本金
