例如,在汽车保险领域,“Pay As You Drive” (PAYD) 和 “Mileage Based Auto Insurance" (MBAI) 的出现彻底颠覆了传统车辆定价模式;而“Usage-based insurance ”(UBI),也许正在改写客户与公司之间权益平衡游戏规则……
**风控能力: 决胜未来之道**
对于风控方面,《Solvent II Directive》作为欧洲联盟能够引导非欧洲国家进行监管政策或方法修订 - 推动其余国家提高监管标函数字处理软件、AI 技术、Big Data 应用…… 所有这些都将直接推动整个行业实现从“Passive Risk Management "到"Active Risk Control " 的进步。
此外,"InsurTech"+Fintech 就是其中一个显著例子 —— Insurers are now able to provide more personalized and flexible products through the integration of advanced technology such as AI and Big data analysis.
## 结束语 在全球范围内,各种形形色色涌现出各种挑战和机遇。“Digitalization”, “Product Innovation”, “Risk Control”, all these complex issues require us to think profoundly on how we can better serve our clients in this fast-changing world while maintaining a sustainable business model with solid risk control capabilities.
The future is here. It's time for the global insurers community to embrace it proactively rather than passively waiting for whatever may come next.