
来源:维思迈财经2024-06-19 22:28:06





例如芬兰就着眼于打造具备颠覆性思维能力和批判性思考水平 的 教 职 员 队 伍 。 在 过 去 , 芬 兰 就 是 凭借 着 强 大 的 订 制 化 教 学 模式 和 对 学 生 发 展 自 主 性 和 创 新 思 维 的 关 注 , 成 功 地 提 升 了 国 家 教 育 水 平 。 如 今 , 政 府 更 加 投 入 资 金 来 吸 引 最 富 才 并 受过最专业培训(training)(professionally-trained) (well-prepared and highly trained) teachers to join the education sector. 此外,还致力于鼓励老师之间分享成功案例(successful cases),促进合作(cooperation),参加相关培训项目(training programs).

此外,其他像中国也意识到输入型模式需要进行更新换代(upgraded)(make improvements or updates in terms of input-oriented model).它已决定增加预算(budgets for education expenditure ) , 目标是确保每所 中小学都配备完善(premium-quality,fine quality,reliable and high-end facilities with advanced equipment systems.)科技装备(equipment).

第二个值得关注点则集中在强化职业导向(skills-based training) 上 . 德 国 已 开始 探索 实 施 “双元制”(Dual system,mixed apprenticeship program combining vocational school study with on-the-job training.),旨在使学生获得必须知识(in-depth knowledge ),同时获取工作经验(gain practical work experience ). 近几年德国取得巨大成功(made remarkable achievements,great progress,breakthroughs)

除此之外,法國(France)正試驗實行小學開設企業課程(teaching entrepreneurship courses at primary schools),透過啟發創意(inspiring creativity),賞識失敗(failures should be appreciated/recognized as learning opportunities rather than being criticized/blamed ),舒解壓⒏(reduce stress pressure / alleviate stress pressures a bit ).

第三项重要议题便是降低门槛(accessibility barriers/barriers to access/make it easier for all students to have equal access/opportunity to receive quality education regardless of their backgrounds/circumstances/social status/family income levels.). 日本(Japan )采纳“零岁起义务(Early Childhood Education/ECE from Zero Age)”计划(for children aged zero years old onwards/from infancy upwards/to start ECE services since birth/at early age.)从婴幼儿阶段即开始接受ECE服务(start receiving ECE services from an early age/receive educational support/services starting at very young ages/beginning right after they are born.).

同样,Ecuador's new policy aims/implementing measures/taking steps/initiating reforms that ensure free public higher education/university tuition fees will no longer burden families/students' economic situation/economic circumstances.

无论我们身处哪里,构建一个良好而健康(holistic/well-rounded/human flourishing/comprehensive/sounder balance between theory/practice/instructional/experiential components/theoretical & hands-on aspects/spiritual/emotional/intellectual development etc./physical&mental health well-being/all-around personal growth/personality cultivation character building/a better society/community/world/global future...)可能令所有利益攸关者感到欣慰(relieving/delight/good news/promising prospect/uplifting hopeful signs...).


教育 变革 经济政策
