
来源:维思迈财经2024-06-20 20:31:40


随着全球经济不断发展和金融市场日趋复杂化,许多投资者开始寻求更快速、更有效率地获取回报的方法。于是,在这个背景下,使用金融杠杆成为了一个备受推崇的选择。所谓“金融杠 杆”,就是指借助外部资金进行交易或者投资活动以提升自身可控制权益规模,并通过财务工程手段达到企业价值最大化目标。

然而,在众多利用金融 杠 杆 的策略中,“100倍”无疑是其中最具挑战性和争议性之一。“100倍”的概念源于将其初始保证金额与期货头寸合约价值相除得出来;也就意味着只需要很少量(1%)即可建立起百分比较巨额(100%)仓位。由此带来了极端情况:小幅价格波动便能引发数十乃至数百甚至 数千倍损失或收益变动!

对于普通散户而言,“100 倍”显然承担过重风险——尤其当涉及到股票等有限流动性品种时;但对专业机构 和 足够能力把握行情走向且心态稳定客观评估未来可能走势并根据技术面基础面消息面综合因素做出正确预判调整止损点位开仓平仓操作等方案则算 不菲 收 益 也非遥远事!

In the financial market, using leverage is a common investment strategy that can amplify capital. And 100 times leverage as a high-risk and high-return investment method has attracted much attention.

With the continuous development of the global economy and increasing complexity in financial markets, many investors are seeking faster and more efficient ways to gain returns. Thus, against this backdrop, utilizing financial leverage has become a popular choice. The so-called "financial leverage" refers to using external funds for trading or investment activities to enhance one's controllable equity scale and achieve the goal of maximizing enterprise value through financial engineering methods.

However, among numerous strategies utilizing leverages," hundredfold" undoubtedly stands out as one of the most challenging and controversial ones." Hundredfold" concept originates from dividing its initial margin amount by futures position contract value; meaning only small amount (1%) is needed to establish substantial percentage-wise large (a hundred percent) positions. This brings extreme situations: slight price fluctuations can trigger tens up-to hundreds even thousands-fold losses or gains!

For ordinary retail traders," hundred folds" clearly bear excessive risks - especially when dealing with stocks or other low liquidity instruments; but for professional institutions who have sufficient ability grasp market trends objectively assess future possible directions based on technical fundamentals news factors make correct judgments adjust stop loss points opening closing operations etc., considerable profits are not far-fetched!

高风险投资方式 金融杠杆 资本放大 100倍杠杆
