
来源:维思迈财经2024-08-18 20:14:19





值得注意的是,虽说如此但由于前期宣传造势工作未能到位导致公告发布后舆论反馈褒贬不一. 甚至还流传出诸如"明抢", "套路深" 等言论.

尽管如此 , 这次调整可以被视为一个铲除旧行式底线救赎机会. 在顶层设计完善基础上接下来就需要跳出固有思维框架重新构建安全性与稳定性共存新生态.
In order to adapt to the changes in the external environment and internal needs as soon as possible,the well-known online lending platform is planning a major move: conducting a comprehensive evaluation of existing targets and formulating interest rates that are more scientific and practical based on risk control conditions and actual asset situations.According to analysts,this will be demonstrated in two aspects:firstly,it will focus on customers with good credit quality,giving corresponding preferential treatment.Secondly,it will also increase efforts to investigate high default clients or projects with abnormal accounts,to avoid further accumulation of bad debts.It should be noted that,due to inadequate pre-publicity work,some mixed reviews have emerged after the announcement was made.Even comments such as "obvious profit-grabbing","deep routines" have been circulating.However,this adjustment can be seen as an opportunity for redemption by eliminating old bottom lines.With top-level design improving its foundation,next step requires breaking out of conventional thinking frameworks,rebuilding a new ecosystem where security coexists with stability.

揭秘 网贷 策略 利息调整
